Weekly Announcements- Raven Report December 20th
Upcoming Events
-Winter Break December 23rd-Jan 6th
-Ghost Pirates Night February 8th
-Sneaker Ball February 28th
-Smokey Mountains Trip March 19th
-8th grade Disney Trip April 10-12
-Performances of Guys and Dolls April 10-12
Happy Holidays!
We hope that all our families will enjoy the Winter Break and look forward to seeing all the Ravens back at school in 2025 on Tuesday, January 7th!
STEM Night at Ghost Pirates
STEM is having a Ghost Pirates night on Saturday February 8th! Also, Tuesday February 4th STEM students are invited for a tour of the EnMarket arena. Those interested in attending should fill out the interest form below. Students must sign in using their school account to fill out the interest form for the tour. The links are also on Facebook and instagram or it can be found on posters throughout the school.
Click here to buy tickets for game on Feb 8th: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Stemacademy2
Click here for the interest form for the tour on Feb 4th during school: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=jNoJQArTmE-lvXimwKJaUw_Ng43KPQNJlP3HHyxUi15UOTM3MzNXQ0dFUFpNWjg4M1ZGVzhIMkRRVy4u
STEM Spirit Days
Visit School Cash Online to Purchase a semester one spirit wear day pass for just $16!
Spirit Wear Days:
Dec 6, 13, 19
STEM Third Annual Sneaker Ball
STEM’s Third Annual Sneaker Ball Will Be Held February 28, 2025 From 6PM-8PM.
Tickets Are Now Available For Purchase Online For $25 At SchoolCashOnline.com
Athletic Boosters Selling STEM Spirit Swag
Get your STEM RAVENS accessories with STEM Boosters! Reserve for your student some school spirit swag and how your support by representing them when you’re at work, running errands, attending sporting events, because WE.ARE.RAVENS!
Purchase Items Separately OR Purchase the All For One Bundle for $15.00 Bundle purchase includes Free Delivery to your STEM Student’s Homeroom Class! Items/Bundle includes: Key chain, Lanyard, Plastic ID holder, wristband and Raven shield sticker
Pay through CashApp $thestemacadboosters Include in the payment notes, students full name and homeroom teacher email with questions: thestemacadboosters@gmail.com
Sports Physicals
Students must have the Sports Physical and Athletic Packet on file with Coach Winter Frost-Roundtree, our Athletic Director, prior to participating in tryouts. Sports physicals are valid for one calendar year. Contact Coach Winter with questions at winter.frost-roundtree@sccpss.com.
The SCCPSS athletics packets may be found at this link.
*Please be advised that sports practices cannot be missed to attend other school activities.
Athletic Event Supervision: Require parents at events for children under 15 years of age
Starting September 13. 2024 per District
All children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in order to enter all SCCPSS high school athletic contests and the following MIDDLE SCHOOL athletic contests: FOOTBALL, TRACK and all PLAYOFF GAMES.
Anyone entering a SCCPSS athletic contest who appears to be under the age of 15 will be required to show identification for age verification. (School ID with DOB, State ID, Driver’s License, Driver's Learners Permit, Valid Passport)
Spectators under the age of 15 may purchase a ticket and must enter with a parent or guardian who has purchased a ticket.
Parents or guardians are required to remain in attendance at the game with their child.
If no identification is available, spectators who appear to be under the age of 15 must purchase a ticket and enter with a parent or guardian who has purchased a ticket.
Identification will be verified by event staff prior to entering the security screening area.
Signage will be placed strategically as additional notification prior to arriving at the event entry point.
Attendance Letters
Starting at the beginning of Quarter 1, the attendance team will email out attendance letters when your child has been absent for 3 or more days. Letters will not be sent if days are excused absences. These letters will include the dates of the absences and request parent or doctor excuses.
School Nutrition
Free and Reduced Lunch Application/Meal Prices/Menus
School Cash Online
Please use the link below to sign-up for SchoolCash Online
STEM iPad Information
If your student's iPad has been sent off for repair they will receive a loaner chromebook with charger. Repairs take about 4 weeks and all teachers are informed when the iPad is ready for pickup in the library. When the student comes to pick-up they must have the loaner chromebook with the chromebook charger and a tempered-glass screen protector. All repairs are required to be done through the STEM Library.
Thank you for your support!
STEM Student Handbook
There have been some important updates to the Student Handbook this year.
Click here to view entire Student Handbook
Updated Technology Guidelines/Cell Phone Policy
Our goal is to create an environment that enhances learning and minimizes distractions. To support this, we will ensure that personal technology devices are not present in the learning space during school hours. We strongly encourage parents NOT to send students to school with cell phones, personal devices of any kind, and/or Smart Watches. Bluetooth earbuds are not permitted. Personal devices brought to school will be collected and stored until the end of the school day.
The STEM Academy @ Bartlett is a 1-to-1 iPad school. Each student is expected to bring a fully charged school issued iPad to school daily. Students will use their iPad daily in multiple classes. Only wired headphones are allowed at school.
We are thrilled to announce the release of our newly revised 2024-2025 Student Handbook! This comprehensive guide is designed to provide students and parents with all the essential information needed for a successful and enriching school year at The STEM Academy @ Bartlett.
Students and parents are expected to adhere to the guidelines in the student handbook. These guidelines have been put in place to protect the learning environment and provide a safe, structured school for all. Many adjustments were made based on feedback from parents, students, staff, and the community to ensure we are providing the best, safest, and most equitable learning experience for everyone. Some areas with major revisions are listed below:
New: Technology Guidelines/Cell Phone Policy (pages 14-15)
New: Dress Code/Student Uniforms/Non-uniform and Spirit Wear Days (page 21)
Appendix I: Cafeteria Meals/Outside Food Guidelines/Celebrations (page 24)
Appendix II: Uniform Violation Guidelines and Next Steps (page 25)
We believe these updates will further enhance the learning experience and help us maintain a positive and productive school community.
Changes in Transportation?
If your child’s method of getting home in the afternoon changes during the day – Please email your child at their students.sccpss.com address and include their 7th block teacher with the details of the afternoon’s change in transportation.
Phone Use During Outside Dismissal
To ensure a smoother and more efficient pick-up process, students are not allowed to use devices outside until they are off-campus or it is 3:00 PM. This policy, implemented last year, helps students remain attentive during dismissal. Students distracted by phones often miss hearing their names during the pick-up process.
If you need to contact your student regarding dismissal plans during the day, please use one of the following options:
- Email: Send a message to their SCCPSS student email address and copy their 7th block teacher.
- Text Message: Send a text prior to 2:35 PM. Students may approach their teacher and request to check for messages from you.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these procedures. By working together, we can ensure a safe, organized, and efficient dismissal process for all students.
Morning Drop-off and Afternoon Dismissal
Morning drop off is 7:10 am -7:40 am. The earliest drop off time is 7:10 am. There will not be adult supervision available prior to 7:10 am. School begins promptly at 7:40 am. Students are expected to have eaten breakfast (if they chose to eat breakfast at school), be in their classrooms and ready to engage in learning by 7:40 am.
Dismissal of 6th grade, 8th grade, and carpool begins at 2:35 pm. Dismissal of 7th grade students begins at 2:45. All students will need to be picked up by 3:10 pm.
We ask that you please be patient and follow the directions of staff members and campus police to ensure car rider drop off and pick up are safe for everyone.
Walkers will be dismissed at 2:45 PM daily and must immediately report to the cafeteria. From there, they will be escorted across Edgewater Avenue by school staff for their safety.
To assist with traffic flow, we have developed a color code system to designate car riders by grade level. Parents will be able to pick up their assigned color card at open house in the cafeteria. We ask that parents write their child's first and last name on the color card to display in your windshield during morning drop off and afternoon pick up.
6th Grade (Green)
7th Grade students whose team is on C-wing (Yellow)
7th Grade students whose team is on D-wing (Pink and Purple)
8th Grade (Blue)
Carpools (White)
Every parent/guardian should monitor his/her child's grades at least once a week. Parents can have direct access to each teacher's gradebook. Grades will begin posting after the 10th day of school and will be updated at least once per week. Student report cards will be viewable only online at the end of each quarter via Power School Parent Access.
If you had access last year at any SCCPSS school, your login information and access code remain the same. If you have never had access before, please use this link for accessing the Request for a PowerSchool Parent Access account.
Students should have access so they may monitor their own grades as well.
Important Reminder:
SCCPSS policy states that students may not bring or carry any medication on their person. This means any medication in a backpack, purse, bag, etc. Students may never bring medication of any type to school - no aspirin, Motrin, vitamins, prescriptions, inhalers, epi-pens, sunscreen, over-the-counter products, etc. All medication and over-the-counter products must be signed in with Nurse Jamie by a parent or guardian. Please email nurse Jaimie for a blank verification form.
Please understand you may not have your student carry the medication to or from the clinic. Students that carry inhalers or epi pens must have Asthma/Food Allergy Action Plans on file in the clinic. Thank you for helping to keep all our students safe and healthy! With proper physician orders, inhalers and epi-pens may be issued to students by Nurse Jamie to carry on campus.
At The STEM Academy, we prioritize the health and well-being of all students. To help create a comfortable and safe environment, we kindly ask that you send only stick or roll-on deodorants, perfumes, or colognes with your child. Please avoid sending any spray versions of these products, as they can trigger migraines, asthma symptoms, and other sensitivities for some students.
Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring that all of our students can thrive in a healthy school environment!
Please contact our school nurse at jamie.vanderark@sccpss.com with any questions.
Click here or scan the QR code below to join the STEM Academy PTSA today!
Visit us online at
School website: https://spwww.sccpss.com/schools/stem/Pages/default.aspx
Follow us on Facebook @TheStemAcademy
Follow us on Twitter @The_STEM_Acad
Follow us on Instagram @thestemacademy
- Raven Report